Friday, January 9, 2015

Class Related Post

Socratic seminars seem to be ripping me apart this semester. I hate them. I feel as if they're bringing my grades down because of all the work you have to do just to participate. Don't get me wrong the concepts/themes of the stories are good. It's just all of the questions that follow it. Maybe if we just read the passages and then talked about them in the Socratic seminar instead of writing about what we're going to talk about would be better. Most people could read and talk about it without a problem, it's the writing part that they don't like. I need to improve my writing endurance because I know college will be asking for a lot but I don't think I'm ready to start improving it in this class, because i don't think it helps me. What i did like was when we read the passages and then presented the passage that each group was assigned to then take notes. I believe that worked better because it's not like we had to talk about each and every story, We were assigned a story which we taught to our fellow classmates and we learned about their stories when they were presented.


  1. Well, I'm glad you liked one part of the way this unit developed. I think I'll do things a little differently next year, break up the presentations and the Socratic Seminars more. I agree that your class needs to work on writing skills, which is why so much prep is necessary for the seminars.

  2. I agree with you 100%. I like the Socratic Seminars because I'm able to hear my peers point of view on the short stories. Annotating and finding articles for current events is extremely annoying though.
