Monday, March 16, 2015

Random Blog

Blogging takes a lot. I often forget about doing a blog when I get home from work and then I have to catch up with the class. I actually kind of like blogs though because it's an easy project grade. I'm good at typing, I can type anything fast. I'm also good at writing too so everything pretty much falls into play when I have to do a blog. Blogs have a huge affect on your grade. Being that they're worth a project grade, they take off about 40% of your grade if you don't do it. Which sucks, but hey, it's rules. How could something so easy be worth so much? If only life was like this lol. I'm thinking of maybe becoming a fire fighter when I get older because the job is kind of easy, sort of like what I hoped life was like. Well not really "easy" but I mean I think only working 3 days a week for a salary pay is pretty good.


  1. I also like the blogs, but I dont see why its so big a portion of our grades. I can tell from your other blogs about how much you enjoy these.

  2. I like the blogs because they are really good for students to read and interact with each other. You don't all have to write for me and my comments.
